Be Happy

sports signsThe others in stand might have overlooked his sweet message but we could not, so here we have enlisted it in our all-time best sports sign compilation. This Man wishes both the team a fun-filled game that we often get deprived of in order to achieve victory.  Amid the fans cheering for their favorite team to win, this man stands out. All he wants is both the teams to have fun which is the main goal of a game in first place. Seeing signs like this in middle of insulting or funny signs is special in its own way. Isn’t it? 

Forrest Gump

funny sports signsWe all loved Forrest Gump and his idiosyncrasies. Though he lacked intelligence his commitment and speed covered it all. Here this sign is alluding to the achievements of Gump despite his lackings which, of course, is a slap on playing teams.

What, Why, Who?

funny sports signsThis fan has found a very clever way of targeting his own team. We don’t see it more often right! Apparently, the man is angry with his team for not winning consequently. So, to show his disappointment he took help of his sarcasm side and came up with this brilliant quote. But a real sports person is the one who stays with his team no matter how bad the team performs even if the team loses every game, the fan should stick to his team.  


funny sports signsHunter Pence is ruling the list. This is the third time he has been mentioned and that also for an equally interesting reason. A couple who seem to be not big fans of Pence discovered the doppelganger of Pence and decided to put their discovery in public domain. To them, Marv, the Burglar from Home Alone resembles a hell with Pence which looks somewhat true, right? 

Striking Similarity

funny sports signsYou can draw inspiration from anywhere, even from a viral video. This fan did the same! If you don’t remember there was a viral video of a kid drapped in Halloween costumes who admitted his love for turtles. Now if you have seen the video you might realize that Duke Kylie Singler looks similar to that zombie kid big time. This fan who learned about the similarity planned to share it with other people and with Kylie too. So he came up with this sign that has a photoshopped image of him and the kid’s famous dialogue.

Lasagna In Wrestling

Lasagna BragHmmm….So whenever you are watching heated matches of WWE do look around the ring you might see an interesting sign as this. The fan here is not cheering for any of the players but for his/her mother, which is very sweet in itself. Now let’s get to his real intention, the boy who himself is looking for a girlfriend is trying to impress girls by offering that whoever dates him would get yumlecious lasagna for free. Keep Going Boy!