A Reality
When everyone else was not sure of Ashleigh and Bliss’s wish to come true, with this video clipping a ray of hope shined that yes, they both could call the same child of their own. They both could be the biological mothers of a child. Will this fiction turn into a reality?
Booking An Appointment
Ashleigh and Bliss contacted the fertility specialist – Dr. Kathy Doody. She was an experienced gynecologist who had devised a medical treatment which might help the same-sex couple in giving birth to the same child. They were all set to visit the C.A.R.E Fertility Clinic in Bedford.

The women were a little nervous before making it to the specialist’s clinic. Though it was natural of them, yet they just prayed and hoped things worked. As it was the only fertility center in the country which could possibly give wings to their dream, they met the woman who assured them that it was possible.
Keeping everything aside, the foremost question which surfaced every mind including Ashleigh and Bliss too was, how was this going to happen. As in all the treatments they were aware of only a woman’s egg is used, and here as they both wanted to contribute to their first child, how will this be happening?
The Procedure
The process through which Ashleigh and Bliss will make their dream a reality was called Effortless Reciprocal IVF. In this, contrary to the usual IVF treatment, the egg will not fertilize outside the female body but rather inside her. A male and female genetic material are collected in a capsule and then the capsule is fertilized in a human body. Once the fertilization is done, the capsule which is now an embryo is placed in another woman.
Dream Come True
The couple was excited to carry on with this treatment. Bliss’ eggs were taken and were combined with the sperms of a male donor. They were then placed in an INVO cell capsule. Then this capsule was placed inside Bliss’ body only for five days and what followed next was beautiful…