
The moment he sprung out of the car, he came in action and jumped over the attackers who were harming his best friend. He was well trained to tackle such situations but, in this case, he was all alone and the perpetrators were loaded with weapons. Would he go behind the attackers or call out for help?

Don’t Panic

The perpetrators were threatening the cop and telling him how they would hurt him. The cop had heard such threats before too and didn’t panic but now the situation was totally against him. He couldn’t think of a way that would help him save his life from the dangerous situation he was in and the secret button seemed to be the last hope he had. Did his dog get the signal?


Though anyone could have lost his hope in that moment, the cop tried to remain as patient as possible. He couldn’t ignore this fact that underneath the strong face that he was putting up, he was scared and didn’t have any idea what would he do next. He had executed his plan and was expecting his dog to spring out from the wood any time and save him. But the dog was nowhere to be seen, where was Lucas?

The Growl

But after a while when he had lost all his hopes he heard a loud bark, it seemed like he had sprung back to life. He knew that his dog had come to rescue him. Later in an interview, he said remembering the loud bark of his best friend: “I could hear him coming. I couldn’t see anything…but I could hear him coming, growling and making these sounds… he sounded like a wolf.”


He saw his friend jumping on to the attackers and taking them off guard. He was well-aware of the dog’s temperament but that day even he was totally surprised. The attackers were completely numb when they saw the beast coming after them. For a moment they were completely still and didn’t have any idea what to do.


The dog was extremely angry but the cop was now worried as the 3 men had weapons in there hands and he didn’t want his best friend to get hurt. But on the other side, the criminals were in a state of panic, when Lucas launched an attack to free his friend from their evil clutches. Would he be able to save him?