Still Defends Scientology

Even though it hasn’t always been a smooth ride for John Travolta and Scientology he is still willing to defend it through and through. When HBO released a documentary on Scientology, it did not show the Church in a positive light. Travolta was asked his opinion on the program and said he could not comment properly as he had not experienced the negative aspects of Scientology that the program portrayed.

He believed that those who had spoken out against Scientology were merely, “disgruntled with their experiences.” This is in contrast to Travolta’s experience which he is quoted as saying it has, “been so beautiful for me, that I can’t even imagine attacking it.”

His Breakthrough

For as long as he can remember, John Travolta had dreamed of being an actor. So much so, that he dropped out of high school so he could focus all his time on making a success of it. His first move was to New York City where he got his first professional acting job in the lineup for “Grease” the musical, with whom he toured.

His next job was with another Broadway hit show called, “Over here!” This was a fantastic opportunity for Travolta to develop his acting skills and built up his resume. Once he felt confident that this was something he could really make a go of he packed his bags and headed for the showbiz capital of the world, Los Angeles.

Lawsuits and Assault

May of 2012 was a bad time for Travolta as he was hit with allegations of unwanted advances by an anonymous masseuse. The masseuse filed a lawsuit against Travolta. This revelation came just days after another set of accusations. This time, it came from two men represented by Gloria Allred.

The men had sued Travolta for battery and assault after they claimed they had been subject to his violent behavior in a hotel in Beverly Hills and at another hotel in Atlanta. Travolta remained strong, and eventually, his legal team proved that the stories weren’t true and the allegations were dropped.

Another Assault

The cases in 2012 were not the first allegations Travolta had had to face. In 2009, while on a Royal Caribbean cruise, Travolta is alleged to have spoken out of turn to one of the workers on the ship. According to the allegations, Travolta had called him “beautiful” and said that he would “take care of” him. While John Travolta couldn’t deny he was on the cruise, he could deny the claims made by Mr. Zanzi, the cruise ship worker at the center of the allegations.


Travolta, when asked about the claims called them “ludicrous and inane” and thought it was just another person looking for a few minutes in the spotlight. The claims were eventually dropped before a trial took place.

Alleged Misconduct

Another allegation was made in 2012. This time though, it came from John Travolta’s former co-star from Grease, Jeff Conaway, who played Kenickie. Together with his ex-fiancée, Vikki Lizzi claimed in an article in the National Enquirer that John Travolta had once again made unwanted advances, but on this occasion, it took place in the 1990s and was directed at Conaway.

John Travolta’s legal team vehemently denied the claims and said they were nothing more than, “a malicious tabloid agenda to boost lagging sales by running outrageous defamatory stories about my client sourced by people seeking notoriety or a payday.”

Jett’s Struggle

Jett sadly passed away at the tragically young age of sixteen, but it was not until after his death that John Travolta revealed some of the many difficulties his son had lived with. Aside from being autistic, Jett suffered from a complicated combination of neurological disorders, which meant that he was often prone to seizures.

Sadly, the details of Jett’s condition were revealed in a hearing as a result of attempted extortion. John Travolta ultimately felt it was important for people to know how his son had suffered throughout his short life and what ultimately brought him to his untimely passing.