Visiting Him Daily

Hazel was there for all of the steps involving Leonard’s dementia care. She would ask endless questions and was always there at every appointment with the doctor. She wished to be able to help her husband but soon learned that she needed to accept that nothing she could do would heal him. But still, Hazel did not lose hope and was continually fighting for Leonard.

She Moved In

She spoke to the authorities of the facility and managed to let them stay in the same building to be closer to Leonard. She felt joy in being able to assist the people caring for dementia patients and also cutting off the distance in between she and her husband. She would rather stay near his side than be away from him, telling him to be strong while holding onto him every day.

An Unexpected Death

Hazel died in October 2016 at an age of 93 years at the dementia home. The entire family was stunned because she never showed any signs of weakness or illness. One random day she was not quite feeling like herself, and could not get out of the bed. David’s daughter was busy chatting with her grandma when suddenly Hazel lost her grip and passed away.

To Be Reunited

The facility did not report what had happened to Leonard but his caretaker revealed that he was behaving rather strangely that day, that he was having heavy breaths and remained very restless. The family was confident that he felt her passing, leading him to pass on as well because without her life was meaningless. Hopefully, they are both in heaven, happy to be united once again after staying miserably at the Alzheimer’s facility.