Shopping can be an extremely boring task for some people and they can’t be faulted for thinking so. But some people just absolutely adore shopping, it may be by splurging money in stores or by making the experience funny for others who shop with them. Here are a few amazing people who are redefining shopping and making it fun for everyone around them.
The Fashionista Who Loves Her Mayo

From the looks of it, this absolute stunner of a woman appears to be a model who would stay as far away from something like Mayo, but not her. The woman not only found the largest tub of mayonnaise in the store but also didn’t shy away from taking a photo with the Mayo being her crown.
Diving Right In
While shopping may appear to be a boring, routine task, it sure does bring out the scavenger in people. Limited stocks or a sale on your favorite brand will have you jumping through hoops or in the case of the lady in the picture, jumping inside an actual refrigerator. She must have run out of her favorite ice cream at home in the middle of a party to be ballsy enough to jump headfirst in a cooler like that.
Shopping Celebrities
Your favorite celebrity goes grocery shopping too, you know. Ok, they may not shop at your local deli but they can be seen shopping near their homes or sometimes when they are in the middle of a shoot or just traveling for leisure. Imagine going to your local Target and seeing Beyoncé, Rihanna and Cara Delevingne just playing around while shopping together. Lights up your face, doesn’t it?
Baby Momma?
Assuming by the contents of her cart, the woman in the picture is a new mom and isn’t she a dream? Impressive how she managed to whip herself back into shape after carrying around a baby in that belly for 9 months, something that every woman who goes through pregnancy dreams of.
Can You Really?
A maintenance shop in a mall is a blessing to not only the store owners but also the customers shopping there as well. But not all maintenance shops are what they seem. Exhibit A: The notice claiming to repair absolutely anything but the bell that stopped working. Granted, this a funny one.
Such Rush?
Drying your hair is an arduous task, especially for women. On the flip side, having wet hair is the style statement today. But leaving your towel on your head when you go out shopping is extremely reckless and can lead to you catching a cold. If her mother saw her standing beneath the fish cooler with wet hair, she would have a few words to say to this pretty lady.