Expensive And Delicious

No need to say that their names share some similarity but that is not too much to be mistaken like that. However, those men were destined to drink that luxurious wine. Well, now you must be wondering why is this particular wine so special. It is because the wine that those businessmen had accidentally got was 19 times more costly than the one they had asked for. 

Happy Customers

No wonder, the customers who had no idea that they had just tasted a luxurious wine, ordered another. The staff had given them a wrong bottle that was of $5,700 and they could not afford to repeat the mistake. So, they had to persuade the men into buying some other wine.   


The waiter was in a dilemma now. As the waiter was not allowed to reveal their mistake to them nor was he supposed to repeat the mistake. So, he came up with an idea. Instead of telling them the truth, he suggested them to order another wine. Fortunately, the diners agreed upon ordering another wine whose rate happened to be a small part of the price of the first bottle. 

High-Pressure Work

What do you think about how the high rankers reacted to it? Generally, in movies, the higher-ups give an intense reaction. Maybe they would get an earful from their seniors but here the case was entirely different. The higher-ups had something else on their mind. They were going to make this incident memorable for everyone in a unique way.   

Big Cost

The smallest of blunders comes with a big cost in highly ranked restaurants of this kind. This one was the biggest mistake one could ever make. The waitress had given away $5,700 bottle of wine in place of $300. How the seniors were going to react to the manager’s blunder was still a mystery. 

Big Blunder

This mistake by the staff member costed the restaurant more than $5,000. Will Beckett said, “I think they were a walk-in at the bar, the waitress just asked a manager to get that wine they chose, and she picked up a bottle of something that looked to her like it was the wine they had ordered.”