At least once in each one of our lives, comes a moment that is impactful enough to change our whole view about ourselves. We think we know ourselves but at that moment we act unexpectedly and end up knowing our true selves.
For Colin Blevin, the morning of July 17th was the moment. And at this moment, either, he would become a hero or a zero and not for the world but in his own eyes. After all, what the world thinks of us matters but at the end of the day, what we think of ourselves matters the most.
Moment Of Action
When a construction worker rushes towards a suspicious car that was blocking his way, he understood the seriousness of that moment. He had to take an action and so he grabbed what lied inside and called 911. This incident became an eyeopener for everyone who heard of it. To make it more clear, we have to take you back at the beginning of this story…
A Funny Family Man
Colin Blevin, a 45-year-old construction worker who resides in San José, California. His heavy built up and sweet smile both adds to his charming personality of being a great father, a loving husband and, a hardworking man. Colin usually goes out for work at 7 in the morning but that Monday morning was different from the very beginning.
Daddy’s Lil Princess 
Like every other day, Colin was supposed to leave for his work site early morning and on the way drop his little daughter to the school. Daughters see a superhero in their fathers and it was the little one’s innocent request that her dad should be the one dropping her to school daily. Colin could have never denied his angel’s innocent wish. Sadly, that morning, Colin’s wife was the one who will be going to drop the girl. Wondering Why?
Disappointed Girl
Although Colin’s girl was disappointed knowing her dad will not take her to school that day, her dad explained to her what’s the reason behind it. Finally, the girl agreed when Colin promised to take her out later that day. Her smile brought relief to Colin, after all, a daughter’s smile is all father prays for…
Severe Suffering 
Colin’s daughter hugged her dad and said bye as she was being driven to school by her mother. Colin was suffering from a severe backache since last Friday. He felt like it was a minor sprain that will go away by the weekend. Even after taking rest whole weekend his back still hurt and he was thinking to take a day off from work that Monday. The big man was destined to go to work that day and he would realize it soon enough.
Work Is Priority
Despite his back pain, Colin was willing to show up on that day for work. Yes, he was a bit late than usual but he respected his work. When he reached at his workplace that morning he was going to encounter something exceptionally strange. And his actions will decide the fate of innocent life.