An Angel

She appeared as an angel in his life and was constantly making positive changes in his life, fetching him homemade food and cookies every other day, who does it for a stranger whom they had met a couple of weeks ago. She was trying her best to make him look exactly the way he used to be. Would she be able to transform him the way he used to look before?

Father’s Day Special

Later in an interview, Mrs. Hot Hands told a famous website about her experience and said: “We just want to make him feel good and show him just because he is not financially stable right now that he can still get appreciated,”. She proved that there exist people who not only follow their passion but help others too.


Ever wondered about having no home to come to in the evening when you’re all tired and exhausted, finding no one who gives you strength and hope of a better future. On top of it, the people living on the road forget how love and warmth from their loved ones feel like. Here, Larry Green was lucky to find Mrs.Hot Hands who reminded him that he was a human just like her.

Transformation Starts

He had been living on the street for almost 2 decades before his life savior jumped in to make him feel human again just like a normal person. But living on the street and dingy areas without any human contact he had lost all his hope of looking like one. Mrs. Hot Hands had truly come out as a guardian angel to him and made him look like a decent person again.


His makeover started with a simple haircut but it had meant the world to him. Previously, people had not even asked him water or loaf of bread and here she was transforming him from head to toe. “I know she’s made me look like somebody. I don’t feel as low. I don’t feel like I’m nobody,” he said.No doubts it was one of the perfect father’s day gifts that he would have received.


Because of his bad condition, it had become hard for him to identify himself, so how would he have expected his family to recognize him. And now this transformation had inculcated a new hope in him. He was amazed when she didn’t stop at his scalp. She trimmed and shaped his untidy overgrown beard and when he faced the mirror, he was surprised by his transformation and said, “It’s a blessing. I can see the real me.”