Travelling can be really fun. But it can be an embarrassing thing to see that your family members have come to pick you up from the airport with signboards that say a little too much. Just check these embarrassing greetings that have been used by these people to pick up their loved ones.

A Survivor?

So is this a good way to pick up your sister? After she went to an uncharted territory followed by a long flight, this girl comes back to see her brother making fun of her trip. Well, she did survive so, enough said.Funny Creative Airport Greeting Signs That Impossible to Miss [85 pics]

A Dog’s Love

When we miss someone we often make cute stuff for them like frames and cards. This woman did just that and made a card for the one she misses. What did their dogs do to show their emotion? They ate the couch. Very nice.Funny Creative Airport Greeting Signs That Impossible to Miss [85 pics]

Picture Perfect

This is by far one of the most creative ways to express how you truly feel about your mates coming back home. His friends should be really happy to see this greeting after a long flight. Just look at that expression!Funny Creative Airport Greeting Signs That Impossible to Miss [85 pics]

From The Movie?

So this lady chauffeur is waiting for a Mary Swanson. Does she not know that it is a fictional character? Even if she were real, do you think this Mary Swanson would resemble the one from the movies?Funny Creative Airport Greeting Signs That Impossible to Miss [85 pics]


We all go through that phase when it gets embarrassing for your mom to be overly affectionate and lovey-dovey with you. This guy here has clearly not passed that phase as his mom is shown showering him with kisses and a loud pink signboard.

Funny Creative Airport Greeting Signs That Impossible to Miss [85 pics]

Oh Please No

Putting on costumes and wearing wacky outfits can be fun. However, it all depends on the time and the place you put on these clothes. The airport is certainly not the place to wear a green wig and loud make-up.

Funny Creative Airport Greeting Signs That Impossible to Miss [85 pics]

Now That’s A Signboard

Sometimes it is hard to locate your family members while they wait for you at the airport because of the crowd. Mokie would not be missing the huge signboard of his face. They would not even need to call him so loud because they have this sign.

Funny Creative Airport Greeting Signs That Impossible to Miss [85 pics]

THE Michael Jordan?

If you are a basketball fan then you would definitely wait until this Michael Jordan come out from his flight. We cannot tell if this man is joking or not but we are pretty confident that the real Michael Jordan does not have to search for his taxi drivers.

Funny Creative Airport Greeting Signs That Impossible to Miss [85 pics]

 How Long?

So these people were waiting for Katie to enter Canada for some time now. We should be thankful for Katie that she gets to get to a country that is known for being friendly and kind. But this sign is a wee bit too much.

Funny Creative Airport Greeting Signs That Impossible to Miss [85 pics]

Let’s Not Speak

When a father and a daughter is left alone at home by the mom for a few days, what happens? The house does not get cleaned up. This poor woman found out via text and not a conversation at the airport.

Funny Creative Airport Greeting Signs That Impossible to Miss [85 pics]