Going on adventures can be a lot of fun. There is something about exploring a new place you have never been to, that just fills you up with a good feeling. We are all curious by nature and to experience the things that a new place has to offer is probably why we continue going on trips or trekking and camping. This guy was on a quest to explore the great Arizonian canyon when he encountered something unbelievable inside…

An Adventurous Lifestyle

This is a man who goes by the name of Zachary Anderegg. His life had always been an adventurous one where he would often go and explore sew sites by himself. Even as a kid, he loved nature and always took a chance to learn. He loves to hike and adores mountain climbing too. He would often spend his time hiking in Arizona and the southern parts of the Utah canyons.

Inside The Canyon

Zachary loved to go hiking alone in the canyons and would always find something new to discover each time he went. As he was traversing through the slot canyon, he went deeper and deeper. As he descended deep inside the rocky depths, he did not know what to expect. The gaps between the walls of the slot canyons slowly closed in and the light began to dim down. Some areas of the slot canyons were so caved in that there was little to no light at all. But even though Zachary went inside the depths of the canyon, he found that there was enough light that could guide him across the bottom areas of the gorge. This was just the beginning of his adventure and he slowly descended even further and further.

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Some Light

The more he went inside, you would expect that the light would be gone. But as he went further inside, Zachary found out that that was not the case at all. The further he went in, slowly the walls of the canyon started to open up letting the sunshine through the tiny slots. He went ahead and then found a distinctive opening. There was so much more he was going to discover. Zachary had gone quite deep inside the canyon, 100 feet to be exact. It was then that Zachary found out that he was going to have to abseil his way down the remaining spaces. He had reached a point where there was a very deep incline. Since he had been doing this for a long time now, Zachary was sure he would be able to accomplish this. But there was pitch darkness under…

A Dog?

It would undoubtedly be a terrifying feat to have to make your way down a 20 feet deep gorge. However, since Zachary had done this in the past, it was not that big of a challenge and so he landed safely down under. After going through leaps and bounds, there was yet another discovery that he would make that day. So can you make a guess of what he found down there? It would have been around 350 feet under the canyon’s edge when Zachary discovered something insane! He saw that there was a pup there, stuck with no means to escape. Zachary could not believe that the dog had actually made it alive after an apparent fall into the gorge. He could see that the dog did not end up with broken bones but was clearly malnourished

Rescuing Him

Since the dog was clearly in peril because of starvation, Zachary knew he did not have too much time on his hands if he wanted to save the dog. He quickly got out of the canyon to go and fetch some food and water for the poor pup. Since he was going to take some time to rescue the dog, Zachary knew that he had to feed the pooch. He also needed an upgrade in his climbing gear. The dog was definitely not in a good condition whatsoever. Who knows how long it had been waiting there for someone to finally take him out? Zachary, the hiker was certain that he had to be very quick with his rescue if he wanted to save the dog on time. The abandoned dog was in a critical condition so Zachary would have to get to the vet as soon as possible.