An Infestation

Image result for brick wall removing

So after his curiosity got the best of him, David went ahead and took off the brick. So what he found inside was something that none of the family members nor him could have ever guessed. After he took off the brick, David then realized that the source for all the weird sounds in the house had been caused by something well out of topic… What could it be? 

A Huge Honeycomb

After removing the bricks from the wall, David finally got to the bottom of what had been causing all the noises. He was shocked to realize that it was all due to a hive of busy honeybees. In fact, there was such a huge honeycomb right there. It was certainly going to be a challenge to remove the honeycomb. He would have to put in a lot of effort.


So after finding out that the main cause for the sounds on the walls was due to bees, David started to take out the walls of the brick, one by one. And so as he was continuing to remove every layer of the brick from the walls, what he discovered became more and more overwhelming. He could not have been more shocked to see what was in front of him.

A Humongous Beehive

Image result for beehive close up

When he initially realized that the cause for the strange noises was due to bees, David was shocked. But when he took off more layers from the walls, David had more reasons to be shocked. The walls then went on to reveal the full size of the beehive. To him, it seemed as though the beehive was never-ending! This was a humongous beehive that David discovered.

Five Rows

So since he was a pest control expert, David had to continue removing each layer of bricks. He had to take out each layer after another. There were so many bricks he had taken off from the wall of the house. As he removed each brick, he thought the beehive would show its full length. But soon, he took off five whole layers and still the beehive was partially hidden.

Time And Effort

Image result for beehive close up

Taking off just one layer of brick was a lot of work. so imagine having to remove 5 layers of it! The beehive was indeed bigger than the ordinary ones we find. And then David could finally see just how huge the beehive was. It was something that he could not believe or comprehend. It felt like such a long time just to fully get the beehive to be seen.