We all know what a hat box is for. The name is evident, for keeping hats secured away from dust and getting damaged. But, when a man from Washington D.C found a hatbox in his garage he could do nothing but stand in awe of the sight he witnessed after opening it. After reading it your perception regarding the probability of the happening of some things will surely change.
Wedding Incredible
Marriage is like an invisible thread that holds two people together in love. The importance that the event of marriage holds can be seen in the various customs and tradition being followed on the wedding day which seems as very significant.Brides even wear or carry their “something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue.”
A Tradition 
Of all the significant things and traditions being followed during a wedding, one that has a special place is the wedding cake. Yeah, we all know that the couple eats the cake, but what if I tell you that there is a tradition of saving the top tier of the cake, keeping it in a freezer and eating it later on the first anniversary.
Harvey Warninger
Well, Harvey and Inez Warninger made it sure to follow the tradition on their wedding day. It was on 17th March 1915 that the couple got married. Yeah, they save the top tier of their wedding cake in order to savor it after a year. But, despite keeping the cake in a freezer, the couple was not able to eat it a year later. Why?
Events in Between 
Actually, if you take a look at the year when they both got married, you’ll notice that it is 1915. Yes, the period of the First World War. This was the primary reason along with the planning and preparations for their future together, that made them completely forget about the cake.
Don’t Touch The Cake
Warninger’s grandson Ronald exactly recalled the time when he saw the cake which he was craving to eat going into the freezer to be preserved for a year later. He was warned by the family members not to touch it. Since that day the cake got registered in Ronald’s memory.
100th Anniversary 
Now, let’s move forward in the timeline a bit. Actually, a 100 years ahead. It is the 100th anniversary of Ronald’s grandparents Harvey and Inez Warninger. Ronald was keen and revisited the memories through the things which belonged to their grandparents.But, there was one thing missing?