Two Weeks Of Torment
2 weeks in, the 6 handpicked men on the James Caird sailed through the deadly waves and hazardous winds. The ice and waves splashing in the sea did a lot in slowing down their journey. The small lifeboat was under constant threat of being capsized yet, they carried on with their mission. They were riding on this boat for about 2 weeks until something unbelievable took place.
Miraculous Achievement
The crew on board the James Caird was losing hope because they were getting physically unfit as the struggle was getting too overwhelming. After 2 weeks of hardship, they located the South Georgia Island where they reached with the boat in critical condition. They were ecstatic to see that they found land but would soon learn that there was yet another obstacle.
Weighing Options
The crew landed on the south side of the island while all of the settlements were residing on the north side. They would have to walk on foot through the uncharted territory to get to civilization. The crew did not have any choice but to walk even they were tired and their boat was in shambles. The island proved to be abundant in a stretch of glaciers and icy mountains which took them by surprise.
36 Hours Straight
Since they did not have any other choice, the crew walked through the rocky crags and frozen waterfalls for 36 long hours straight. They got emotional after hearing the sounds of a stream running after they walked on and on for almost two days. They had made it to the outposts of Stromness. It must have been an exhilarating feeling to finally reach their destination.
Elephant Island Encampment
The guys staying behind on Elephant Island were going through severe physical and mental hardships. Since winter was near approaching, they would have to quickly build a permanent residence to live through the cold. The men on Elephant Island were hoping that the men would come back to the rescue after about a month. As they took more time than anticipated, their concerns grew day by day.
Killing Time
The next person in charge, Frank Wild took command over the men at Elephant Island coming up with a set of activities to do. The men there would exchange roles in the permanent lookout, hunting, cooking, and housekeeping. He also came up with games, concerts and small celebrations to cheer their spirits up a bit. However, there was still stress over the fact that the rescue team was not there yet.