Another Item

They were not done investigating the place when another item surfaced. Somewhere around the tiara, they discovered a part of a rock that perhaps was used in ancient cave paintings. Both of these items came from 50,000 years ago. It happens to be one of the oldest findings. 

More Result

As far as the tiara is concerned the team is yet to make more investigation. They still have no idea as to why this crayon was used. However, the only thing they could deduce was that perhaps the crayon was used for work of art observing its natural pigment.

Extensive Research

After the extensive excavations, researchers concluded that the bodies were of Sikhirtya people. All of the remnants they have found come from this specific group occupying the region over 2,800 years ago. The researchers had the hunch that it was just the beginning of this amazing journey.  


They really wish that the Arctic regions remains the same and does not undergo any further melting. But at the same time, they wondered what more treasures they would find beneath these ice folds if it continues to thaw. It was to see how long was it going to take until their other lit discovery.

What Lies Ahead

These buried sites came to the light because of the global warming that continues to expand. The melting of permafrost gave way about these burial sites. If the permafrost continues to melt the chances of discovering more site of this kind only increases. However, global warming is a big threat to all living being on earth. Many viruses that have stayed dormant for years revive when permafrost melts.