Chilled-Out Life

The trio won hearts around the globe by the unique brotherly bond they shared. More families visited the Sanctuary especially to see a tiger, a bear, and a lion together. They were never released back in the wild as they were too injured to be rehabilitated as stated by the sanctuary! “All three are still equally affectionate with one another,” Allison Hedgecoth, curator of Noah’s Ark said in an interview. She says that time hasn’t changed the family dynamics much. The three loved cuddling, eating, playing and taking baths together until one day.

From BLT To BT

August 16th, 2016 ended their chilled life phase when ‘The heart-wrenching decision was made to let him go,’ as the group posted on Facebook.

Leo died after months of not eating well while Leo underwent abdominal surgery, and vets found that he has inoperable tumors in his liver.”Animals are so perceptive and with the incredible bond the BLT had since being rescued together from a drug dealer’s basement in 2001, it is highly likely that Baloo and Shere Khan knew their lion brother was terminally ill long before Leo began displaying outward symptoms,” stated the sanctuary. And the brothers were also “given the opportunity to say goodbye.”

Stick Strongly

“He is watching over you guys, but most importantly he is watching over his brothers. They have been through thick and thin, hell and back, but the day you rescued them all together it was like heaven for them,” is written in the Sanctuary. After Leo is gone, Baloo and Shere Khan are doing well and spend most of the time in their woodhouse where they used to stay with Leo.

Long Necked!

At Busch Gardens in Tampa Bay, Florida, two young creatures are not getting enough of each other. They were best of pals and it was too strange for the zookeepers. But who would say no to a friend who is exactly like us! Well, that’s the reason what scientists think is behind this unique bond of Bea, a 3-year-old giraffe, and Wilma, a 10-year-old ostrich.  Before you think they’re held captive and that’s why they came close, let us tell you that they have around 65 acres area to move yet they stay close all the time.


However, Bea is more closely connected to her Wilma, than Wilma is, this is all that zookeepers have observed so far about them. Jason Green, assistant curator at the park said in an interview, “Bea likes to use her tongue to explore her surroundings, and Wilma isn’t fazed by those very close encounters.” Both of them are protective of each other and they don’t like any interruptions in their quality time with their best of a pal. “There’s plenty of opportunities for the animals to interact and know one another,” Green explained.

“Giraffes and ostriches are both naturally curious animals, too, and they don’t shy away from checking each other out,” Green further added. Maybe now we know the main reason other than their ‘long necks’ which brought the two closer and set an example for the rest of the world most probably lies in their curious natures.

Anjana The Chimp

Anjana was just 2 years old when she was given an opportunity to foster two white tiger babies, which she open heartedly accepted. The two cubs were taken away from their mother when the sanctuary was flooded during a hurricane. ”It was important for their safety that they were separated,”said China York, the chimp’s caretaker as well as of the adorable cubs who gave Anjana this chance and the chimp never let anyone down. Rather she amazingly set up a motherly example around the globe.