Calling Parents

Anais called her parents up and said this, “oh do you remember that girl I showed you on the video? and they said ‘yes’ and I said, she was born on the same day as me and my mom automatically said ‘do you think she could be your twin sister and of course I said, yes, exactly.” But the road to finding out the truth of Samantha was not really easy. 

Back To The Past

The parents Anais called to talk about Samantha were not her birth parents. Anais Bordier had been adopted when she was just an infant was brought up in Paris and Brussels by loving parents. According to her adoption documental records, she was born to a single mother in South Korea and did not have any siblings. She was the only child. The name or a picture of her mother was not there in the records.


The developments recently though got her thinking: was it possible that the records were lying? Was she really just the only child of her birth mother? Could it be possible she had a twin or a half-sister she did not know about, that no one she knew knows about? The coincidences were right there so she wasn’t crazy taking the line of thought she was taking. Who could have known that as a student in London she would be solving mysteries of a girl who looked just like her?

Happy Child

Anais Bordier’s adoptive parents- Jacques and Patricia got her to their home when she was merely 3 months old baby. They found her in a foster care center in Seoul. Lovingly her parents always told her, “You’re the child we always wanted.” Anais had made peace with the fact her birth mother was never going to be found and she didn’t have any siblings to find out about as she was told she was the only child. 

Conflicts Growing Up

Anais was brought up by her parents without any biases and her upbringing was happy. However, she also remembers that kids around her usually asked why she didn’t appear like her parents. Her adoption was not really a secret but it still hurt her. How could she have known that questions about her past will loom on her again in her university days?

Taking A Step

In the age of social media, it was hardly surprising that when Anais searched Samantha on Facebook she found her. So close to some sort of discovery and closure now, Anais took a lot of time to calm her nerves and compose a message to Samantha that did not make Anais look like a creep. Afraid that Samantha might not believe her, she also requested the actress to take a look at Anais’ profile and check out her pictures to know she was telling the truth.