It Was Too Late

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The Pohlers contacted a family friend that they had in China called Annie Wu. She was asked to go and look for Kati’s birth parents that day the festival took place. Unfortunately, Qian and Xu who had been thoroughly searching and scanning every face in the festival gave up after spending most of the day looking for Kati. When Annie reached the bridge, they had already left.

Using A News Camera Footage

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Annie upon reaching the place did not know what to do as she was basically looking for two people whose faces she had never seen before. But when she saw a news camera crew that had been filming the whole festival, she requested them if she would be allowed to review the tape. As she scrolled through the clips, she spotted Xu carrying a signboard with Jingzhi’s name on it.

All Thanks To The News Story

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If it had not been for Annie’s approach towards the camera people, this story would have had taken a completely different turn. When she explained to the news crew about who she was looking for, they decided that it was a story worth working on. The news people then made a story of the unfortunate Chinese girl who had been separated from her mom and dad at birth.

Letter From The Poehlers

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All thanks to this news channel, Qian and Xu were able to meet with Annie. When they saw the report that had talked about their long-lost daughter, they agreed to meet with Annie at the TV station. The Poehlers had given them a letter which was handed to them at the station itself. So were they finally going to be able to meet the daughter they had no choice but to let go of?

And That Was It

Qian and Xu Documentary
Qian and Xu were so excited to finally hear some news about their daughter. They wanted to get more information about Kati but the Pohlers decided that it would not be wise to do so. Since they felt that their daughter was still unprepared emotionally to handle all of this, they told Qian and Xu that it would be best to just leave things like this.

Not Reciprocating?

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So even after finally learning about their daughter’s fate, the couple did not get any news about her for more than 10 years. The baby girl that they were forced to give up was  doing well and fine but no other information was given to them. Qian and Xu were happy to get in touch with the Pohlers and their baby girl but did they feel the same way?