The Vets were worried about her condition

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Dr. Kimya Davani, a vet from the Humane Society said that “Her body temperature dropped from 99 degrees to 94, because she couldn’t warm herself,” She went on “At 94 degrees, you do get to the point that the organs can start to fail.”

Long-Term Health Effects

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When Miracle Maisy came under Humane Veterinary Hospital observation, Dr. Davani explained that the cat might have gained some long-term poisoning effects on her lungs or her brain. 

Recovery Period

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Despite suffering from severe injuries, the vets gave Maisy a great amount of care and regularly observed her health during the recovery period.  Office coordinator Chelsea Cappellano “This is the worst animal cruelty case I’ve ever seen or experienced.” 

The Kitten was shaved

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Dr. Davani revealed further information about Maisy’s recovery process and explained that they had to shave her to get increase her body temperature again. The gasoline also played a crucial role in this as she said,  “The gas was so embedded in her fur that she wasn’t drying, and because of this her internal body temperature had dropped.” 

Stable Condition

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As a result of great efforts shown by the vets, Maisy’s condition was stable again and soon, she became alert and responsive. The Humane Society vowed to provide Maisy a foster home and after her full recovery a permanent home too. 

A reward of $1000

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The veterinarians in Pennsylvania were terrified by this case of little Maisy. The Humane Society decided to catch the culprit. They spread the word that they would give a $1000 reward to the person, who would inform them about the culprit. The local news channel also joined them in this process.