Covered In Gasoline

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The garbagemen took the cat straight to the Humane Society of Berks County (HSBC) and exuded its staff the poor state of the cat. There they discovered that she was actually covered in gasoline.

Consumed Toxic Fumes Of Gasoline

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On further investigation, it was discovered that the gasoline covered cat had been trapped inside the bag for about six hours. Her life was not only jeopardized from the truck machine but she had consumed the toxic fumes of gasoline as well.  

Miracle Maisy

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According to the vets, the conditions in which the cat was, it was nearly impossible to survive. She must have a strong will to live. It was actually a miracle. The vets at the Humane Society named the feline, Miracle Maisy. 

Maisy showed a great amount of patience

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When Miracle Maisy observed the staff of the Humane Society, she understood that these people were helping her to recover. The HSBC co-ordinator, Chelsea Cappellano, told ABC that “She was so patient as we looked her over for obvious or noticeable injuries.” 

Attentive Garbagemen saved the day

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The Humane Society also wrote in a Facebook post that Miracle Maisy was rescued at the right time, if there had been a delay of few moments, she would not have been alive. The garbagemen showed a great amount of attentiveness. 

Poor Condition

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After analyzing the cat’s injuries, the HSBC discovered that the one-year-old cat had chemical burns along with other injuries. They stated “She was matted. She was terribly bruised from the beating she had taken. Her eyes were closed. Really looked horrible.” They were doubtful of her survival.