We think you might relate to the situation we are about to put you in. Has it ever happened to you that you are inside your house and it’s already past 12 a.m but you need to find something that is in the last room of your house? You feel little uncomfortable going in that room even when you know there is nothing to be afraid of. Then gathering all your inner strength you move towards the room because you need that thing which is in that room. You start singing your favorite song to ease away your fear and enter the room. You find what you came into the room for and while you think it was easy, you switch off the light and move towards the room you came from and you feel somebody is at the back, crawling slowly towards you and if you don’t run it will somehow catch up with you and will take you away into the darkness from which we are so afraid of.
This story of this woman is sort of related to the above situation but with a twist, she wasn’t in the house but in a place where she works. But the turn of events saved this woman from something unexpected. What is that? You’ll find out soon.

Usual Day

She woke up to start her day at her work but wasn’t feeling like going but she just can’t ignore it because it was Monday and taking off from work at the start of the week wasn’t her way. She was ready for work but little she knew that her day at work would change everything for her. Something unexpected was about to happen to her by the end of her shift at work. Life is a mystery and what lies ahead for us, we could never know. Even she didn’t.

The Work Place

This woman Terri Mae from Indiana who works as a child grief specialist at Erin’s House for grieving children was left shell-shocked from the event she later met at the end of her shift. Everyone loves her at the Erin’s House and why wouldn’t they, she makes children so comfortable around her that the moment she enters the building there’s a smile on every kid’s face. But who knew that by the end of the day she’ll meet the most unexpected event of her life that would wash away the smile from her face.

Is Someone There?

Terri’s shift was about to get over in an hour and she was just checking if anything else was needed to be done before she leaves for her home. She was walking in the corridor and suddenly the light went off. She stood there for a while waiting for the power back up to be up again. It was all dark, she didn’t even move an inch. Something was off around her, where are the other people from the staff? Have they all left, already? She heard some footsteps coming towards her that synced with her heartbeats. Who is there?

Leaving Now

This unknown sound of footsteps made her really terrified. But the real question was where is everybody? She could sense that someone was coming towards her and with every step that person took her heart was ready to get exploded. Terri closed her eyes and didn’t realize that power was already back. She opened her eyes and there was nobody there. Even the footsteps’ noise was long gone. But who was it? She was afraid and decided to leave as soon as possible. But the worst was just around the corner.


The sound of footsteps wasn’t ready to leave her mind. She heard them even in her own footsteps. She thought it might be someone from the work and because it was dark that person might have not seen her. But he was standing so close to her that she could hear him breathing and all of a sudden vanished in thin air. Without thinking anything further she picked up her bag to leave for the parking lot where her car was. But she wasn’t alone.


Cool Breeze

Terri left the building and opened the gate to move out of it. She felt a sudden cold breeze that moved down her spine giving her goosebumps. It was summer but she could feel the temperature had dropped this night. She shut the door behind and started walking towards the parking spot. She stopped in the middle and realized that she hasn’t locked the doors. She went back even though she didn’t want to. It would have been better if she just had the chance to leave the premises.