Sheila Fedrick is a flight attendant by profession. She has been working in this field for ten years but never in that tenure she ever came across a situation like this. There was a girl sitting next to the window and she looked nothing like normal. The young girl made the woman suspicious. She needed to find out who was she and what her purpose was. And when she found out the attendant had her whole life turned upside down.

Sheila Fedrick has been working as a flight attendant for Alaska Airlines for 10 years now. The 49-year-old stewardess is well known for her devotion to the work. Her positive attitude and affable smile make her personality even more pleasant. Her work involves looking after the needs of passengers on the plane, get them refreshment and maintain a positive attitude around them.

Underrated Job

The job of a flight attendant is grossly underrated in today’s world. They not only take care of the passenger’s need but also emerges as a bridge connecting passengers and management. Additionally, they have to look after the needs of each and every person on board and make sure they all have a nice journey.

Experience Counts

Fedrick has been in this business for a decade and such a long experience really helps her big time in grasping the mood, need and state of mind of any passenger. Likewise, that very day she was taking rounds in the flight to see if anyone needs anything when her eyes captured a peculiar sight. On the very first glance, she understood that something was not right.

Strange Girl

There was a young woman sitting next to the window. To Fedrick, the girl looked far from normal. Strangely, nobody on the flight noticed her weirdness except Fedrick. Was there something really weird about the girl or was it just her assumption? She needed to confirm that.

The girl had a suspicious appearance. She was wearing shabby clothes and had unkempt hair. Moreover, she was behaving in a strange way as she did not look up for a second. It seemed as she does not belong to a well to do family. But that notion soon got axed when she saw the man sitting beside her.

Striking Difference

On the contrary, the man who seemed her acquaintance was wearing quite expensive clothes. He also looked wealthy. It seemed as if he was a businessman. He looked clean whereas the girl appeared completely disorganized. Was the girl mentally ill or something else was the reason? And most importantly,why nobody else noticed them before her?

The glaring difference between the two had whetted her curiosity. They seemed totally lost whereas it was not difficult to see that the man belonged to a well to do family. Were they family? At this point, she really needed to get an answer to these question. So she paced towards the girl to get a closer look at her.

Need To Talk

Fedrick needed to talk to her. But how was she going to do that? The man was sitting glued to the young lady. In order to find out what was actually going on, she needed to talk to her in alone which seemed impossible for now. It was then an idea clicked her mind.

She decided to interact with the two. It was the best thing she could think of. However, she had another thing on her mind. The man reacted in a surprising manner when she tried to engage with the woman. He tried to stop Fedrick from interacting with her by interrupting her in between. Furthermore, the air hostess could not do more, as they got down at next earliest stoppage.