One Big Happy Family

One Big Happy Family

“I decided I’m going to document it with weekly belly pictures for him so he wouldn’t miss it.” She made sure to do all of this and had been busy documenting her progress as a pregnant woman. “I can’t believe she was able to keep the secret for as long as she did because we tell each other everything so I know it was really hard for her,” Matt exclaimed.

Matt Was Pleasantly Surprised

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Matt was not at all upset that Rebecca hid her pregnancy from him. “I’m sure every day she wanted to just tell me but I’m really happy she waited because it was an awesome homecoming surprise and we got to find out the gender together the day after I got home.” And talking about the gender of the baby, there was another shocking revelation.

It’s A Girl!

It's A Girl!

Their newborn was set to be born in late August. It was a lovely time for the family indeed as everyone was present. There were a lot of close ones and family members that came to celebrated Matt’s homecoming. It was indeed a successful party. The couple then decided it would be the perfect time to reveal the gender of their baby. It was a girl!

Present During Birth

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Even if Matt had not been present for the majority of his wife’s pregnancy, it was a good timing for him as his next deployment was not until January. He was going to be able to witness the birth of his new baby girl. “I was extremely happy with the news because we both wanted a fourth child and since it is our last I was happy she did something memorable and fun,” expressed a happy Matt.


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This story is inspired by a true story that had actually taken place a few years back. The names and locations of these people have been changed to keep the people in this story safe and protected. If in case the names happen to resemble any other event or person. it is purely coincidental. It has been written in a fictitious manner for the benefit of the people involved.