A Masterpiece

statue 103The grandparents of this lady were one among those charmed people who visited China to feast their eyes on these unbelievable masterpieces. And it was there they accidentally got their hand on this precious statue. Little did they know what they were bringing home with them was going to change their grand daughter’s life forever. 

Still The Star

Even centuries after, today’s China is adorned with the masterpieces made in the Tang Dynasty. It is also the time when Buddhism was rising to prominence. Many of the statues sculpted during this phase depicted Buddha, they came in different sizes though. Moreover, this art form got funded easily thanks to the popularity Buddhist monasteries enjoyed.               

Prestigious History

The statues made at the time of this statue are the most mysterious art pieces in the world’s history. The Longmen Grottoes is widely famous for the statues carved on the limestone cliff faces enjoys the World Heritage status given by the presiding body of UNESCO. The art is called “an outstanding manifestation of human artistic creativity.”

Other Things

Tang Dynasty was also famous for the three-dimensional art of pottery. Artists during those days would also sculpt earthenware and decorate them with colors. After that, they would keep these carves in front of the tombs of emperors or other prominent people. Another important material that was used by the people of the Tang era was fine porcelain. The lion statue in question was the outcome of such proficiency.

All Impressed

Not surprisingly, this antique piece secured a space in Antiques Roadshow Insider. Larry Canale the editor-in-chief of publication expresses his awe for the statue by saying that it is if not the most important antique is one of the greatest antiques ever to appear in the show. This is true that this Chinese statue could not get the highest money on the show but there was something else that came inside the door.

Costly Blanket

statue 26

There was a blanket! The owner of the blanket told the appraiser about its journey. That began with the foster father of his grandmother. Kit Carson the frontiersman, gifted it to him. Again, it was the turn of the appraiser to get shocked. He was kind of sure that the blanket belonged Navajo origin. He said, “This is Navajo weaving in its purest form.” He continued, “On a really bad day, this textile would be worth $350,000. On a good day, it’s about a half a million dollars.”