Cheetah Reunion

So let us take a closer look at what happened when this man found the cheetah in the first place. ‘Gabriel’ was the name given to this abandoned Cheetah by his human companion. He became very attached and they grew super close at the makeshift facility. They were building their relationship which grew stronger as each day passed by. Dolph C. Volker and Gabriel spent around one year together and were the best of friends. But as life went on, he had to move back to the U.S. for official reasons.

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Meet Gabriel

The two were very affectionate with each other. It is good to note that Dolph was the only person that Gabriel wanted to get close to. He did not interact with the other humans as much. It must have been very heartbreaking to see him leave as they were so used to spending the day together. However, after going back to the U.S, it was once again time for Dolph to come back to Africa. His meeting with Gabriel was emotional and inspiring, leaving many people’s faith in humanity restored.

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But How Did They Meet?

So like we have mentioned earlier, Dolph is a very respectable volunteer that has helped a lot of wild animals find their way back. He has been working with the Cheetah Experience for a long time now and is highly revered there. It was at this place that he had the chance to spend time with Gabriel the cheetah. The abandoned cheetah was suffering from multiple medical conditions. Gabriel and Dolph met when the cheetah was just about 8 months old.

Cheetah Was Not Going Away

So can you guess what happened next when Gabriel the cheetah and Dolph the volunteer met after being away from each other for a while? The incident that took place after Gabriel laid eyes on Dolph was something one would never expect. It was so surprising that everyone present there was shocked and filled with amazement. The cheetah did not waste time and took the chance running as fast as he could to get to the man that took care of him years ago.

Wildlife Rescuer’s Words

So it would definitely be interesting to ask about what exactly goes through Dolph’s head when he makes friends with these cheetahs, particularly Gabriel. Well, you would be surprised to find out that it does take a lot of time, patience and effort to be able to get through to wild animals.  Dolph recently spoke about his relationship with Gabriel and how it started, It takes a lot of time to reach that imprinting stage with a wild animal – a wild predator to be specific.”

What He Feels

Dolph knows that these animals are not exposed to humans and so it was going to be hard to try and penetrate into their minds to be able to make them trust him. Even in the case of Gabriel, he admits that he was lucky as he was able to spend time with him when the cheetah was only a cub. He adds on to what he feels about his relationship with Gabriel claiming, It all started when this Cheetah was a little cub and I think I just got to know him at the right tender age. It was an absolute joy to become friends with Gabriel.”