One of the most beautiful things that we discover in life is friendship. When we find that companion who understands us and makes our life better in whatever way, life gets better for us. We as humans often find ourselves building friendships with animals that are often considered unfriendly or unapproachable. This friendship you are about to read is one such, where a penguin and this man have found an unbreakable bond that would definitely put most of the friendships we share with other people to shame.

No Wild Pets

In Brazil, a law has been passed that states that no human can keep a wild animal of any sorts as a pet for themselves. This is a strict law which has sent many to prison because it is considered a grave crime. However, there is a 71-year-old man named Joao Pereira de Souza who has managed to maintain a strong friendship with a penguin. Yes, this man and the little penguin right next to him have become so close that it is not even a joke. Prepare to get shocked and inspired.

The Discovery

This man we are talking about was a retired bricklayer who, a few years ago, found this South American Magellanic penguin. He found it in a very bad condition where it was covered in oil on the beach he was loitering around on. What would you do if you spotted a penguin or any other animal for that matter, who was in desperate need of your help? This little penguin was nearing death as he had not eaten for so long. Pereira de Souza tried all that he could to better the penguin’s health.

Helping Out

Pereira de Souza took the almost dying penguin in his arms and took him home so that he could hopefully nurse him to full recovery. This man first started by cleaning up the little guy and after a bit, he decided to name the penguin calling him Dindim. This is such an appropriate name for the little guy because he is so adorable and loyal, just a very special penguin. He made sure the penguin was well fed so that he had enough energy to go off in the wild once again.


So then, after Pereira de Souza took the little penguin he named Dindim back to the beach where he found him, something unexpected took place. Dindim did not want to be separated from the person who saved his life. But then, after Pereira de Souza forced the penguin to go back to its habitat, he gave in and jumped into the water, going back to his home where he had originally come from. This would only be the start of a newfound friendship and was definitely not the last time these buddies met up.


Since the time the two found each other back in the year 2011, Dindim has shown just how grateful he is, remaining loyal and true to the one who saved him from death. The type of penguin that Dindim is, are usually found breeding in the Patagonia coasts of Argentina and Chile. Wait until you hear about the distance that Dindum has to cover to come meet with his dear human friend. Patagonia is actually five thousand miles from where Joao found him. He comes all the way here every year though.


So, Dindim made sure he traveled five thousand miles every year just to come back to the beach where Pereira de Souza first rescued him. The penguin was so fond of Jaoa that he took this trip every year to reunite with his savior who came to his rescue years ago. He did not fail to take time off from his home to come all the way to catch up with the person he met on the beach that fateful day. There was a point in time where Dindim spent 8 months with Jaoa before going back home.