You Never Know

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So we hope that this story is enough to convince you that the random squirrel you are faced with the next day ma turn out to be a squirrel like Bella. So the best thing is to always remain helpful and be a friend to squirrels or any other animals that you meet with. If ever you find yourself having the chance to save an injured squirrel, always be open to it.

Lucky Family, Lucky Squirrel

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The Harrisons still to this day cannot believe that Bella returned for about ten years. The family cannot stop gushing about the special squirrel because even though she may not know it, Bella had taught them a lot about compassion and affection. They are glad to know that she is an addition to the family and were lucky enough to help her.

And on that note, here are 15 facts about squirrels that would probably leave you quite surprised…

200 Different Species

Indian giant squirrelIt has been recorded that there are around 200 squirrel species across the globe. They range from tree squirrels and flying squirrels and include marmots plus chipmunks too. They belong to the Sciuridae family, however, they are not found in Australia and Antarctica. The Indian giant squirrel is considered the biggest species and can be found in South Asia.

Teeth Length

squirrel teethSquirrel teeth had a very wide range when it comes to size and length. The five-inch teeth of African pygmy squirrel are nothing compared to the teeth possessed by the Indian giant squirrel or the teeth of the red-and-white giant flying squirrel from China. They can grow even longer than 3 feet. The four front teeth of a squirrel continue to grow throughout its lifetime.

Threat To Electrical Wires

squirrel on power lines“Frankly, the No. 1 threat experienced to date by the U.S. electrical grid is squirrels,” claims John C. Inglis, who is the former deputy director of the National Security Agency. Electrical lines have been disrupted by a squirrel’s teeth for years in America for the past 30 years. They had to shut down the NASDAQ stock market in 1987 and 1994 because of the same reason too. As the Brookings Institution werites, “squirrels have taken down the power grid more times than the zero times that hackers have.”

Social Beings?

black-tailed prairie dog pupsTree squirrels are known to love alone but during severely cold weather, they choose to be more social. Several squirrels kept together are called “scurry” or “dray.” The squirrel family has sociable species too. Prairie dogs are known to be very social and live together in a large group or community called “towns,” which can even amount to hundreds of acres of land. A Texas town had been noted to spread about 100 miles wide, 250 miles long with 400 million squirrels and is the largest known town.