As pet owners, it is our rightful duty to protect and keep pets out of harm’s way. They rely on us to feed them, love them and take care of them.  Little Lilo, the pit bull had been resting in his kennel next to a tree. The dog did not have any company nor entertainment to keep her occupied.

Vultures Arrive

Something did go wrong when the little pit bull had been staying outside for some time. An alarming number of vultures turned up near her doghouse. Maybe there was a vulture nest located close to the doghouse.

The little dog had been kept like this unattended for so long that it was starting to summon attention from the neighbors. So by the December of 2014, the wardens from Guilford County Animal Control in Greensboro, North Carolina had been informed about the dog.

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Contacting Authorities

The authorities were called since there were more and more people who saw that the little dog was not getting a proper treatment that a pet is supposed to get from their owners. So the local residents informed the workers about Lilo’s situation. So when the animal facility had been informed about poor Lilo’s state, they quickly grew concerned as well. They arrived immediately with much needed help for the pooch.

Image result for pit bull sick lilo

Remaining Unbothered

There was another thing that really surprised the people that went to save the pit bull. It would be extremely scary for most animals to be surrounded by vultures that could any minute pounce on you. However, the eight-month-old dog apparently did not look like she noticed them also. It was as if she did not have a care in the world.

The Merit Pit Bull Foundation stepped and took charge of creating a healthier environment for Lilo. For her rehabilitation, the rescued pit bull was sent to live with Keana Lynch and Travis Henley. So Lilo had found new foster parents who quickly decided on the name ‘Lilo’. These two seem to really care for her and have been doing all they can to help the adorable pup.

Adapting Well?

So how did Lilo react to this new place of hers? Since she had never been inside the comfort of a loving house and given ample attention, was she going to be able to adapt? Well, it was a relatively better and safer place for her to stay in, so obviously, Lilo was settling into her new home just fine. Lilo seemed to get comfortable real quick in her new temporary home.

As it turns out, luck was on Lilo’s side this time and it appears as though she would have to stay with Keana and Travis for quite a while. It would seem that the little pit bull named Lilo would not be leaving her foster family in the near future. This was a blessing on both sides as they really liked each other’s company and were not willing to leave each other any time soon.

Love At First Sight

The couple was welcoming and had open arms for the poor pit bull. They were glad they could be of assistance to the well being of the dog. “She found her bed the first night,” Lynch revealed in an interview back in 2016. “We fell in love with her almost immediately.” So the dog had now found love from owners that she never received from her past owners.

As it turned out, Lynch and Henley would not be able to let go of the pit bull at all. They finally decided to keep Lilo, turning her into a permanent addition to the family. yes, the couple decided that it was time for them to adopt Lilo. They fell in love with her the first time they met and the love seemed to grow stronger each day that was spent together.

Great Personality

So when Lynch was asked about the first few days Lilo started living with them, she told an interviewer back in 2016, “She definitely didn’t know what it was like to live inside. But she’s got a great personality. She loves to snuggle.” The dog must have wanted to give all the love and care it had bottled inside all those times when she was chained to the tree.

So now, Lilo has the freedom to play around. She can finally run around and not be confined to one spot alone. Lynch added, “[Lilo] loves her antlers, loves to chew on them. She has no clue yet on what to do with the other toys, though.” It must be such a shock for Lilo to be living in such a drastically different environment from the previous home she stayed in.

Image result for lilo the pit bull