Not the First Time

Many people have also experienced the same thing that Walker has experienced when it comes to dolphins. Dolphins helping people can be traced back to ancient Greece, where there were stories of dolphins guiding sailors to safety. There have been multiple reports of other sea creatures like whales helping people in the sea as well. Here are some stories that will truly amaze you.

Dolphins Save the Day

dolphin miracle

Back in July 2002, a fisherman named Grant Dickson’s boat had overturned in Queensland, Australia. He was heavily bleeding and noticed that a number of sharks were approaching him slowly. “I was worried I was bleeding too much and the blood would attract the shark and that would be it,” Dickson explained. “But the dolphins came to my rescue and chased away the shark. They saved my life.”

 Surf Scare

In August 2007,  Todd Endris was surfing in Marina, Calif., when suddenly a 15-foot-long great white shark attacked him, biting him twice. Suddenly, 15 bottlenose dolphins appeared to rescue him. “The dolphins were going absolutely crazy and really saved my life,” he told interviewers. “I feel like they were jumping over the top of me and swarming around me. They kind of created a wall between me and the shark.”

Lucky Distraction


This incident happened in 2004 in New Zealand. A young woman and several lifeguards were approached by a white shark that was about 3 meter. A group of dolphins then suddenly appeared to some save the people. They waved their tails and gave out loud sounds which left the shark to the fleet. In the end, the people were safe and the shark did not get a chance to attack them.

Red Sea Rescue

This event took place in 1996 in the Red Sea in Eilat, Israel. There was a British tourist that was unfortunately attacked by a shark that took a bite out of him. Some more sharks were making their way towards him. Three dolphins suddenly came out and were behaving erratically. Their action proved to be successful as the sharks soon fled from the scene and the tourist could be saved.

Save the Whales

Dolphins have also saved whales at Tokerau Beach in New Zealand in 1983. When 80 pilot whales did not know how to swim back into the deep waters after a tide washed them to shallow waters. A group of dolphins came to the rescue and managed to lead these whales back to where they belonged. 76 whales were successfully taken back into the waters that day thanks to the dolphins.