An Open Invitation

Karen and Chip could not believe that the tour did not end in their bedroom but was dragged to the guest bedrooms. The room has been decorated to compliment that whole them of the new and improved house. All the assortments in the room were new, from the curtains to the bed sheets. The parents could tell their kids had spent their thought, timeands money on all of this and felt extremely proud.

Looking Ahead

All the girls wanted was to give the very best Christmas present Karen and Chip had ever received. They told their viewers all about this as the video came to an end. The girls were aware now that what they had taken on was a task of epic proportions. Karen and Chip also revealed that they were more than happy to come home to a new and improved house, prouder than ever of the beautiful thoughtful girls they have raised.

The Internet Takes Note

Hollie posted the renovation video on her YouTube account after a few days it happened. This was actually her first time ever posting a video. It did not go unnoticed as the views grew as time went by. She did not expect so many people to be interested in her small video. In a span of just a few months, the video raked in about 115 thousand views and counting…

Discovering Their Fame

Hollie had always wanted to be famous but she never thought this special Christmas gift for her parents would be the done to make that happen. Their story is heartwarming so obviously many people all over the world could relate to it. Haley, Hollie, Heather, and Halice were completely unaware that their story and video had gone viral. The girls were ecstatic to find out about this.

Seeing It In Print

It was Haley who discovered the impact of their story. As she was looking through her Facebook feed she suddenly saw a picture of her and her sisters. From then, she could tell that their video has made the rounds, that they had reached thousands of people. She could not wait to share this article she stumbled upon with the rest of her family.

Relishing Their Impact

The girls could not believe how much their small video had done in inspiring others. It was unbelievable for them to see that many sites and blogs were sharing their story. This family from North Carolina could not believe that they had people outside of America reading about their home renovation. The sisters hope that people who stumble upon their story realize that we are often more efficient and capable than we give ourselves credit.