Hearts On Their Sleeves

When day six came, it was Hollie who took the camera to record exactly how tired they were in the car. Haley had  been asked how she felt to which she answered, “I feel like I’m in the army.” Hollie was also showing the camera her “stress acne” that had popped up on her face. The sisters had to put up all the furniture in place and paint the finishing touches on the paintings.

Using A Decoy

The day their mother and father returned was going to be an epic one. The girls could barely wait to see how their parents were going to respond to this surprise. There was one more thing that they had in store. They were going to conceal the surprise, passing it was their eldest sister, Heather’s surprise visit. Heather had gone to the house and set up cameras to capture their reaction.

An Enticing Introduction

“We’re so nervous,” revealed Hollie as she spoke to the camera. They started filming their parents as soon as they saw them pull up on the driveway of their home. How will they take in their Christmas gift? The sisters made sure to use this clip as the opening scene for their YouTube video. The girls hurried down to greet their parents with the huge surprise they had been planning for days.

Uncovering Hidden Treasure

Geocaching is not everybody’s cup of tea. There are a few people who find pleasure in this treasure hunt worldwide. The advent of smartphones has definitely resulted in the degrading of this activity as GPS has reduced the struggle of searching. The idea behind geocaching basically means that a trinket would be hidden in the world somewhere with the information of its location known to the public only and would help.

Off The Trail

Karen and Chip Schoonover reached home after going on their week-long trip. They immediately sensed that something was different. Karen grew suspicious when her daughters all lined up outside to greet them but could not place her finger on what it was. Karen and Chip were expecting a “Hey! Hey! What are you doing here!” from 3 daughters but were delighted to see Heather.

Judging A Book By Its Cover

Karen immediately saw the condition of the house and asked, “Alright, who cleaned?” Seeing Heather was something that made Karen very happy and emotional although she did hope that her kids had tidied up the house. From the outside, Karen could tell that her house has definitely been cleaned but was not aware as to how much. She did not expect to see all that had been done…