Looking For A Boost

So days went by and it was getting colder and colder. As the sun rose, the sisters would get up and wear their work clothes, getting ready for another day’s work in the frosty weather. They struggled to remain motivated as the house was a mess and they barely got any sleep. In order to get themselves more enthusiastic, one of the sisters got energy drinks which they all happily chugged…

Wearing Them Down

Even though they now had a little more help than before, even painting the one room was harder and more tedious than any of them anticipated. After moving the heavy furniture around, they already had the notion that the most difficult part of the job was done, but they were wrong. When they got down to painting the rooms, they found that the corners and curves of windows required extreme patience and effort.

Feeling The Physical Strain

Half of the week had passed and they realized that there was a long list of things they still had to take care of.  Lack of sleep was just one of their problems now. They revealed in their videos that their legs were sore from standing and that their backs were aching terribly. If it was not for the love of their mom and dad, they would have surely called it quits by now.

Finding Their Numbers Depleted

As days went by, their progress started to show. They would find the next day even more challenging than the previous one. Haley and Hollie had noted that it was the fifth day of their renovations. The girls were not about to let this number distract them from their goal. They were more focused on getting things done quickly instead of crying about the pace of their progress. 

All By Themselves

Haley made sure to document all of the progress they had made by the time day five got over. Hollie was on the floor of the dining room, carefully painting details on the wall using the color pale blue. Haley also revealed that it was just the two of them that night, but that they had a major accomplishment. The two girls without any outside help managed to replace the old carpet with a new one.

Up All night

When their 7 AM alarm rang, Hollie and Haley knew it was time to get up from their limited sleep. The girls had to be obedient as the kitchen was only half painted till then. Half of the cabinets needed their second coating while the other half has not even been painted on. This day was important as it was the last day before their parents finally got home.