You never know what parents will return to after traveling or going away from home. Even if they leave sons and daughters at home for a day, sometimes, a day is all that it takes for them to ruin the whole interiors of a house. You can never be so sure if they would not throw a “the parents are gone” party. There is always a surprise waiting at home for parents when they are away from home…

The Schoonover family reside in North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina that is actually quite the vacation spot. However, Karen and Chip still wanted to have a get-away once in a while. They felt like their 4 daughters were grown enough to be dutiful so they decided to go on a week-long trip one December. Little did they know that this was going to lead them to an unexpected surprise…

Four Hs

The Schoonover family’s parents Karen and Chip would give each of their daughters a name that starts with the alphabet “H.” Heather was the eldest daughter and had already gotten married long before the surprising incident took place. Her little sisters, Hollie, Halice, and Haley always like to include their eldest in everything that they did. So what was going to happen during their parents’ vacation?

Hollie was always a had good quality as a leader. As the second oldest, she was often in charge of her younger sisters. Since it was the month of December, the girls obviously had plans and they were not sure if they could pull it off without their parents’ knowledge. Hollie requested her youngest sister Haley to set up a camera for all that they did, so they could look back at the documentation.

Out With The Old

The girls wish to give their parents’ home an impressive makeover without any of their knowledge. Cleaning things were only the beginning. When they finally started, they immediately saw that there was a ton of stuff that needed to be removed. Their initial plan was to take a few hours to clean up the mess in the house, but this alone took up a major part of their day…

Pooling Together

As Hollie and her sisters’ plan went on, they wanted to make sure everything was up to date and that they replaced everything old with new. This would mean not just cleaning and repainting but also contributing money to get new furniture for the home. They realized getting new furniture was less stressful than getting rid of the old. Their videos show them hilariously attempt to dispose of the old items of the house.

Playing To Their Strengths

The Schoonover sisters were not far apart in age so working together came quite easy for them. A massive task such as renovating an entire house would not be possible if the people working together could not communicate well with one another. Each girl could make use of her skills and the other sisters would follow without hesitation. The family past time of geocaching has definitely helped them cooperate better.

Up All night

When their 7 AM alarm rang, Hollie and Haley knew it was time to get up from their limited sleep. The girls had to be obedient as the kitchen was only half painted till then. Half of the cabinets needed their second coating while the other half has not even been painted on. This day was important as it was the last day before their parents finally got home.

The day their mother and father returned was going to be an epic one. The girls could barely wait to see how their parents were going to respond to this surprise. There was one more thing that they had in store. They were going to conceal the surprise, passing it was their eldest sister, Heather’s surprise visit. Heather had gone to the house and set up cameras to capture their reaction.