The Mark

The girl finally reaches to the mark on the map which shows the location of the secret room. Though the wall which the map highlighted was behind an almirah, it couldn’t calm the girl’s enthusiasm. She instantly asked her father to slide the almirah to a corner and look inside the wall behind. As the father shifted the almirah, the girl was screaming with excitement. Finally, the moment was here when the door to the secret room will be opened. But wait, where was the door?

The Search Continues

They were surprised to find the mark but nothing there. The father pointed, “let’s check for some hollowness of the wall. Maybe we’ll discover something here”. Both the father and his daughter started knocking the wall to hear the hollowness if any. After carefully listening to the sounds, they could finally find the spot which made a sound other than that of the entire wall.

The Door

The father had made all the needed arrangements beforehand. Of Course, he planned it all long back. He got an electric saw and cut a small piece of a square in the wall which sounded hollow. Just as big as his daughter could crawl into. After doing his part, the father sat back along with his family and excitedly watched his daughter undoing the sheetrock to find the secret room.

The Secret Room

The girl was amazed to find a secret passage. She would shout from there, ” Dad, it was right here, in front of our eyes and we never saw this. See, it’s a tunnel kind of thing which is paving the way somewhere further”. The little eyes beamed with astonishment and excitement. It was no less than a fairy tale to her, where the little princess finds something hidden in her own palace. Little did the girl know that there was something even bigger waiting for her inside.

A New Space

As the girl crossed the passage, she was taken to a small room. She couldn’t believe her eyes. It was an all-new space inside there, behind her almirah. It was a room, big enough for her to play around. She says to herself, “the next time I’ll play hide and seek with my friends, I will hide here. No one will be able to find me. I will Win”. Just when the girl was admiring the room, her foot touched something unusual. She immediately backed off and bend down to have a closer look at it. What she finds there will compel you to crosscheck your room’s walls.

An Antique Box

It was a box. An old, antique box with some sculptures engraved on it. The girl admires the box carefully. She has never seen something like this before. It was all covered in dust and dirt, but all this could not stop the girl from unlocking it. The girl was already amazed at all these new findings, that this box holds something even more for her.