Kind Neighbors

The farmer had never been a fan of crowds. He had always liked to maintain his space and treat others respectfully. And so it was clear that Bedekovic was living an idyllic life in Croatia. This was not all that surprising at all. Residing in a small village where everybody is friendly and knows you by your name would be amazing, right?
Fantasy Turned Nightmare
However, he would soon realize that this ideal life that he was living, had its drawback too. In fact, his pleasant life soon turned into an ultimate living nightmare. It switched up because his neighbors were getting really annoying. But then we all know that every neighbor cannot be an angel. But a whole village being vile and irritating?
New Business

Bedekovic was also not the kind to just sit around and lay idle. He was the owner of a field near the village center. As a farmer, it was great news to him that the town’s population of just 2,000 was slowly growing in number. To him, it meant that his business could perhaps grow too. And there was a brand new market that had opened up just next to his farmhouse.
About The Market
This was the best thing that could happen to him. Why? Well, Bedekovic should have indeed been in a celebratory mood because the market was just a five-minute walk away. It was going to help make his grocery shopping a lot easier too. There was something about the new shopping center that he did not expect would turn into such a burden for his life.
An Ideal Location?

To most people, to Have a market right at your doorstep would just be perfect. This automatically drops the need to go for a long drive to the market. The new market was just a few steps away from his farmhouse so it was the ideal spot for him, or was it? There was another point about the market that was great for the village. It would help modernize it a little…
Unforeseen Issues
It would eventually help their town to attract more tourists. And we all know that more tourists mean more money for the business. Everything seemed like a plus point for Bedekovic. However, he would soon realize that dream life he was living in, was not so at all. He did not see the issues that this new upgrade in town was going to bring upon his life.