The Tallest Stalagmites
There was still so much that the cave held inside that would make any researcher happy. The cave is a place where so many intriguing and mysterious items lie. The scientists have found clouds and several animals inside it. There is one other noteworthy discovery, the tallest stalagmites in the world which are about 260 feet has been found inside the cave too.
A Jungle Inside
It is common for a cave to have animals in it. But this cave is different from the rest because the kind of animals that exist inside is totally unexpected. We all know that bats can be found inside caves but have you ever seen monkeys and birds living in caves? The cave is so detached from the outside world that it has its own ecosystem and climate even clouds.
One Time Experience
There are a few numbers of people who can proudly say that they have climbed and stood on the summit of Mount Everest. There is an even lesser number of people who have had the pride and joy of experiencing what it feels like the inside of Hang Son Doong. There is a definite chance that this place would greatly attract tourists but there is a catch…
Expensive Dreams
This site is not one you can go and check out on a whim. It actually requires quite a few steps that need to be followed first. You would need to spend several thousands of dollars if you plan on entering this cave, and the cave also has a particular visiting time. The cave remains open for exploration only once a year and environmentalists are avoiding mass tourism.
Majestic Caves
There is one clear reason behind this site exist in the condition it is in right now. The caves have been free from human interference or change so they have remained so majestic and magnificent. It is able to hold an old ecosystem and is definitely a remarkable site on earth that we should all strive to protect. There is nothing like this on the face if the earth, hence it must be preserved at all cost.
Mesmerizing Landscapes
After a photographer made a documentary on the cave, it has served as a window for everyone to be able to behold the amazing site. We can all take a look at the breathtaking landscapes that this cave holds inside which would have been impossible without the photographer’s work. We would all be lucky to be given a chance to see this cave in person but the most important thing is to respect and preserve this unbelievable site.