
The star continued and said, “Obviously, we were and are still very excited about the birth of our first child, but our focus shifted from having this magnificent blessing to making sure everything is going to be okay with Lauren and the child. Our priorities right now are being able to manage Lauren’s symptoms and still have a fairly healthy pregnancy.”

Family Comes First

Once he had announced his decision to the world he had to explain it to his family too. Later in an interview, Mom Toya explained it to the official site, “He came to us and said, ‘You know, with Lauren being ill, I have to talk to the Pelicans and tell them that I’m going to be with my wife.’” And he was aware of the consequences of his decisions but for him, nothing mattered more than his family at that point.

Making Everyone Proud

Though this decision potentially had the ability to ruin his career forever, keeping aside all the things that could happen wrong he focused on his wife and his kid. Jrue’s parents were proud of their son’s choices and stood beside him in his every decision. He even told the basketball star, “Hey, we’re standing behind you. It’s not a big deal. You can go back to school. We’re good with that.” she added, “I was really proud of him because he could have run away from that.”

Astonishing Response

He had made his decision clear to the world as well as his family still he was apprehensive about how the higher authorities would take his decision. After all, his whole career was dependent on them. So when they heard about his decision, the Pelicans’ top brass’ response astonished him. Not only did they support his decision and stood beside him, they too confirmed that they would handle the performances on the field in his absence during the start of the season. They also came forward in  August 2016 to figure things out with him.


In one of the interviews, the head coach Alvin Gentry said, “The most important thing for Jrue to do right now is to be with his wife and family.” And understood his problem and added, “Every one of our coaches and players understands what Lauren and Jrue are going through, and they know we’re behind them 100 percent. We’ll continue to do everything we can to support them and help them get through these hard times.”


The general manager Dell Demps too said something similar in a separate statement and wrote, “We encourage Jrue to take as much time as he needs to be with his wife and family before returning to the Pelicans.” He confirmed that for them the well being of the people was their priority and added, “We understand that Jrue will miss some games, and his teammates are prepared to step up in his absence.”