They Love To Be Stroked

Feeling stressed, cats can be your stress buster. According to research, cats help you relax and destress. Stroking cats bring some benefits to you too. You bond well with an animal that keeps you fresh and happy. The rhythmic petting by you makes you stay relax. Thirdly, it keeps you calm.    

Releasing Love Hormone

If the above reasons have failed to convince you to keep a pet then this one definitely will. Did you know that the cat can cause a “love hormone” to be released in person? This neurochemical is called oxytocin. As the name suggests this hormone is released when one is in love. So, see cats works as therapy as well.

Physical & Mental Health Benefits

What more, Cats are lifesavers. Yes, these tiny creatures can keep you away from some of the life-threatening diseases. The study says that constant interaction with felines lessens the chances of heart attacks, regulates the blood pressure and releases dopamine and serotonin that works as mood regulators. Additionally, they strengthen our immune system.   

Cats Love Humans

Cats may seem indifferent to you sometimes but they really love being around people. They have a different way of expressing their affection to us. They may not hug or move their tails as dogs do but they would find a  way to show you their love. Cats would brush themselves against you. A cuddle from you can make their whole day so make sure you give them a cuddle whenever they need it.