Together In His Absence

Max had her six years fully planned. The boy was going to join the navy as soon as he completes his training at a boot camp. This means that his mom and Yuuki will have to spend another six years awaiting him. Max had chosen his destiny and now as he had been chosen by the government, he needed to fulfill his duties. 

Pets As Companions

Image result for pets humans happy cats

Trust me, pets are the best gift you can give to yourself. They not only love you unconditionally but also stay loyal to you. They don’t even need a voice to express their affection to you. Yuuki could not speak like Max and Erin but she beautifully expressed her affection for Max. And now Erin and Yuuki were bonding really well.

Cats Speak To Us

You must have heard cat giving out meow so many times but ever wondered their intention behind that. This is their way to participate in a conversation with humans. This is how they tell you how was their day and asks you about your day. Notably, cats give out meow to humans only. They hold the conversation only with the people they trust.    

Cats Are Cleaning Machines

Many of us prefer not to adopt a pet mainly because of the fact that they don’t like being cleaned up. Having dirty pets inside the house is obviously not good for our health. If cleaning is your concern then the cats are definitely not the ones who will cause you troubles. Want to know why? 

They Love Cleaning

They themselves have a cleaning nature. You don’t even have to put effort to clean the cats as they clean themselves on their own. Interestingly, cats spend 50% of their daily time in grooming themselves. Now you might have understood how do they manage to look so cute and clean.     

They’re Chill

They are sleepy heads. Surprisingly, the cats sleep away about 18–20 hours a day. No need to say that cats are the most dependable and easiest pets you can have. They are a great company on those lazy weekends when you want to do nothing but sit on your couch and watch a movie.  The cat will keep you company by lying next to you.