3 Languages


The native language of the Amish is German! When they initially reached the American land, they were sure to bring their native language with them. They usually speak in German when they organize any type of social gathering. They also speak two other languages.

What Are The Other Languages?

The Amish also speak two other languages including English and Pennsylvania Dutch. They make use of the English language in school and during business deals as the US mostly uses English only. The other language is Pennsylvania Dutch, is used daily and closely resembles German.

Age For Baptism


Contrary to popular belief, Amish is not a cult. They believe that someone should have the right to get baptized if and when they want. The traditional toddler or infant baptism is not practiced here. Most of the locals get baptisms when reaching the ages of 14 to 24.

Book Of Rules


The Amish live by two books namely, the Bible and the Ordnung. The latter word means discipline in German so we can get what it is for. This book is basically the guidelines of rules that govern their everyday lives.The  Ordnung is a serious case that could lead to punishments if ignored.

Mennonites Are Not Amish


Mennonites and Amish are very similar indeed. But they are not the same although people often merge the two together as one.  Mennonites do not live in seclusion and are Christians. They make use of technology an do not abstain from it like the Amish.

Meidung= Banishment


This is the “time-out”  version of the people in the Amish. If anyone breaks any of the rules laid out in the Ordnung, they immediately get very heavy punishments.  Meidung is one such punishment that involves the individual being kept in a  confinement away from the community.