Main Belief

The Amish follow this golden rule “Be ye not conformed to this world,” taken from the bible verse of Romans 8:12. The Amish try their best to stay away from the modern world as it is a sin to give into the worldly pleasures. Their will powers are indeed worth praising.

Amish Origin

The Swiss Anabaptist church follower Jakob Ammann coined this term and was not a matter of coincidence. He went on to be an Anabaptist leading to the European Mennonite church to divide after he started his teachings. His teachings included leading the simple life and contentment in the simpler pleasures of life.

250,000 Plus Amish In USA

During the beginning of the 1700s, the German Amish fled to the New World. They initially lived in Pennsylvania but later spread to other 28 states! There are over 250,000 of Amish population in America right now and are slowly spreading towards the west as we speak.

The Old And New Order

At the start of 1862, the Amish had conferences to discuss the direction they were going to take with regards to church and society. They soon separated into the progressive and the conservatives. The population still living the old lifestyle are known as the Old Order Amish Mennonite Church.