Gwen Behind The Muscat!

When She MasqueradesHere, Gwen Stefani hides behind a multi-color muscat. She posted this image on her Instagram account and she looks really adorable. The Muscat has the color of yellow, blue, black and orange.

 The Dog And Them

When She Took Her Dog For a WalkHer dog is quirky like her. In the picture, Gavin is carrying their dog while strolling on the street with former wife Gwen. The ever camera-ready singer here turns to the casual chic with a red t-shirt and cargo pants. 

She In Her Pink Sunglasses

When She Wears Pink SunniesGwen has a thing for sunnies. You may have noticed that she has worn sunglasses in most of her casual pictures. In this, she put on goggles with a pink frame that looked fab on her all-black outfit.

Blue Hair

When She Looked Like a Straight Up Alien at the '98 VMAs…and here she just proved why is she called the biggest style icon of Hollywood. The singer nailed 1998 MTV VMA’s in her blue bikini that complemented her blue hair and platform sandals. She brought the crystal bindi to the trend by putting them around her brows. Her jelly bracelets completed her look of an alien. She looks like as if she has descended from another planet.

Now, you have seen the best style looks of Gwen’s. No doubt, she is the best style icon we have. What’s your favorite among them?