19. Diamond Earrings
Value: $40,000
As is an inevitable occurrence in the business, it is not uncommon to stumble upon people trying to pawn stolen goods. One such man came into the shop with a pair of diamond earrings, and the deal went well until Rick found out that they were stolen, the next day. The criminal was prosecuted but Rick’s money was gone.
20. No. 3 Gold Piece
Value: $2,650
Although it may not be valued as much as the other items on the list, it is quite expensive for a single piece of a coin! One of the oldest coins available in the Gold & Silver Pawn Shop is 1859 No. 3 gold piece in mint condition.
21. Greek Didrachm
Value: $8,500
Perhaps one of the most valuable coins in their inventory, this Greek didrachm dates all the way back to 325 B.C, during the rule of infamous Greek ruler, Caligula. It’s an honor as well as the most historical piece of item that the Gold & Silver Pawn Shop has had.