Diane KeatonndrDOTde-Diane-Keaton

Diane Keaton got her major break when she starred in the cult classic The Godfather as Kay Adams-Corleone. But she didn’t become a household name until her collaboration with eccentric filmmaker Woody Allen. Their projects together included Play it Again Sam, Sleeper, Love and Death, and Annie Hall. Her performance in Annie Hall even won her an Oscar for Best Actress. Her latest role was in 2017 romantic comedy, Hampstead.

Sissy SpacekSissy Spacek

Sissy Spacek’s career began in the early 1970s and first gained attention for her critically acclaimed role in the film Badlands. She soon followed it up with her portrayal of the title role in the cult horror film Carrie, for which she got an Oscar nomination as Best Actress. Spacek is the first person to act in an Academy Award-nominated film in each of the 4 most recent decades: Coal Miner’s Daughter (1980), Missing (1982), JFK (1991), In the Bedroom (2001) and The Help (2011).

Faye Dunawayclassiq-FayeDunaway

Faye Dunaway had her start on a Broadway stage. She debuted on the big screen with 1967’s The Happening, with her big break happening in the same year playing Oscar-winning, Bonnie Parker in Bonnie and Clyde. Her career has only flourished since, with her most recent role was in the 2017 thriller film Inconceivable.

Julie Andrewshollywoodreporter-JulieAndrews

Julie Andrews has become an acting legend with vocal skills to match. She became internationally popular after starring in movie-musicals Mary Poppins and The Sound of Music. She also headlined 5 variety specials on ABC between 1973-1975. Her most recent role was voicing Gru’s mom, in the animated film Despicable Me 3.

Beverly JohnsonScreen Shot 2016-12-06 at 4.45.12 PM

Beverly Johnson made history in August 1974 when the rising model made it to the cover of American Vogue, the fact that she was the first African-American lady to be on the Cover page was nothing less of a benchmark for many young women. The following year, she got selected as the cover model for the French edition of Elle, again being the first African-American lady! In 2014, Johnson wrote an article in “Vanity Fair”. In the article, she accuses Bill Cosby of drugging her in the 1980s. Her memoir, which was released in 2015, also touches on the incident.

Karen Lynn GorneyScreen Shot 2016-12-06 at 4.41.14 PM

Karen Lynn Gorney’s ascension to fame began when she played the role of Tara Martin in soap opera All My Children. However, she truly achieved peak popularity when she played Stephanie Mangano in the hit film Saturday Night Fever. She took a hiatus from acting in the 80s but returned the following decade to play roles on shows such as Law & Order and The Sopranos. Her most recent role was in the 2016 drama, “H.O.M.E.”.