Our lives revolve around a lot of things, on which we depend to perform our daily tasks in a much easier way. Invention after invention, we have come up with remarkable things that help us with our tasks every day. Unfortunately, we haven’t been able to harness the full potential of these things. However, here is a long list of everyday things you won’t believe you had been using the wrong way your whole life.

Small Jean Pockets

Colorful Bread Tags


How you’re using itDecorations perhaps?

No, they are not just ornamental. Take a closer look, you’ll notice that they’re indicative of the day they were delivered. The colors are already organized in alphabetical order, as in “Blue, Green, Red, White, Yellow”, and they each correspond to the day of the week, as in, “Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.

Colorful Bread Tags

Greek Yogurt Containers

How you’re using it: As it is.

Surprisingly, these containers can be folded in half, so that you can simply pour over the toppings onto the yogurt. Pretty clever right? Who would have ever thought?

Greek Yogurt Containers

The Arrow


How you’re using it: Just looking at it

The little arrow next to the gas icon, right there on your dashboard. It does serve a purpose! It’s there to remind the driver which side your gas tank is on.

The Arrow



How you’re using it: Hogging it.

This fact is extremely significant for chocolate lovers. Though, we eat it in one sitting because it’s difficult to resist, Toblerone chocolate bars are separated into tiny bite sized portions so you’d easily cut them and snack.


The Hole in Your Pen


How you’re using it: Just as a cover

Business Insider came out with a study that showed more than 10,000 people choked on caps and different parts of pencils and pens, so that hole over comes in very handy.

The Hole in Your Pen

That Baby Strawberry Next To The Big Pincushion


How you’re using it: No clue

It’s there as an emergency tool for your needles. The shape dates back from an era where strawberries were used as a polishing agent to get rid of rust, sharper and polish everyday objects.

That Baby Strawberry Next To The Big Pincushion

Heinz Ketchup Bottle


How you’re using it: Tapping the bottom

This is one very handy tip to impress others and most importantly lessen your effort. Instead of tapping the bottom, tap the middle area to make it come out easily and enjoy those fries faster!

Heinz Ketchup Bottle



That Tiny Hole On Elevator Doors


How you’re using it: Have no clue

These keyholes are for a specific purpose. It is only significant for authorized personnel as it allows them to enter them safely. Not for someone to peep inside the lift.

That Tiny Hole On Elevator Doors

Applesauce and Yogurt

How you’re using it: Throwing it away

This would surely surprise you. The lids on applesauce and yogurt were designed to be used as a spoon. The material used for this cover is perfect for making a spoon and scooping the yogurt saving time, effort and other spoons.
Applesauce and Yogurt

Wooden Spoons


How you’re using it: Spooning things.

The reason for them being made of wood rather than polymer is that, it can take more heat than a metal or plastic utensil. If you place one over the top of your pot of boiling water, the pot will not boil over—the spoon pops steam bubbles and prevents the spillover.


Wooden spoon placed horizontally on a boiling deep pan