

How you’re using it: Hogging it.

This fact is extremely significant for chocolate lovers. Though, we eat it in one sitting because it’s difficult to resist, Toblerone chocolate bars are separated into tiny bite sized portions so you’d easily cut them and snack.

The Hole in Your Pen

The Hole in Your Pen

How you’re using it: Just as a cover

Business Insider came out with a study that showed more than 10,000 people choked on caps and different parts of pencils and pens, so that hole over comes in very handy.

That Baby Strawberry Next To The Big Pincushion

That Baby Strawberry Next To The Big Pincushion

How you’re using it: No clue

It’s there as an emergency tool for your needles. The shape dates back from an era where strawberries were used as a polishing agent to get rid of rust, sharper and polish everyday objects.

Heinz Ketchup Bottle

Heinz Ketchup Bottle

How you’re using it: Tapping the bottom

This is one very handy tip to impress others and most importantly lessen your effort. Instead of tapping the bottom, tap the middle area to make it come out easily and enjoy those fries faster!

That Tiny Hole On Elevator Doors

That Tiny Hole On Elevator Doors

How you’re using it: Have no clue

These keyholes are for a specific purpose. It is only significant for authorized personnel as it allows them to enter them safely. Not for someone to peep inside the lift.

Applesauce and Yogurt

Applesauce and Yogurt
How you’re using it: Throwing it away

This would surely surprise you. The lids on applesauce and yogurt were designed to be used as a spoon. The material used for this cover is perfect for making a spoon and scooping the yogurt saving time, effort and other spoons.