We all have our life stories that are filled with some good moments, some bad ones and yeah with some dark secrets. This story is about an ordinary looking old janitor who shook the entire country with his long kept secret. His life had been a subject of several unannounced incidents that remained a mystery until a boy took upon himself to unravel them all. His life journey is nothing short of a thriller movie that keeps you riveted till the end. Read the story of this enigmatic janitor who kept deceiving people with its ordinary profile and eventually emerged as someone anyone had no idea about. And also find out what this ordinary janitor actually did that made him the prime subject of a world famous piece of wrieing and even compelled the honorable president of the country to meet him. And how that legendary moment moved everyone who witnessed it even the president himself.

A Janitor

William “Bill” Crawford was a janitor working at the US Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. Normally, ignored by many and greeted by few, this janitor had the responsibility of keeping the whole of the building clean. You could see him buffing mirrors, mopping floors or spraying or just merely tinkering with the stuff all around the academy. He was cleaning up after some 100 young cadets. Despite his round the clock appearance on the campus, his presence to others was as silent as grave. Perhaps, he was the most ignored person in the academy. This janitor had a very ordinary life like other janitors until a secret from his past got busted that drastically changed his present and future!

An Enigmatic Presence

Image result for hero janitorCrawford is the native of Pueblo, Colorado where he has been residing since his birth i.e 1918. The greying man had a very hectic lifestyle during his previous job that is why he decided to take up an easy going job post-retirement. That is why he embraced the profile of a janitor. Surprisingly, from there on he never talked about his previous profession to anyone. Nobody knew where this man had come from. He was always considered a mismatch to the campus that was teamed with the younger generation. The later-published accounts of those who met him stated about him “an old man working in a young person’s world.”

A Dramatic Discovery

janitor heroIt was Saturday afternoon and the janitor was doing his everyday work of tidying up the infrastructure and cadets were busy preparing for their exams. Moschgat, one of the cadets was leafing through a book on World War II and Allied ground campaign in Italy when his eyes registered a surprising detail that made him utter  “Holy cow!. He could not believe what he saw. He later wrote “The words on the page leapt out at me,” The hosteller who was going to become an F-16 pilot had unintentionally discovered a clue of long-held mystery about the janitor.

A Hidden Book And Students Reaction

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The moment cadets handed book to him, silence fell upon him. He kept staring at the book which was found under his mattress inside his bed for few moments and then uttered something that astonished both the cadets. The janitor exclaimed, “Yep, that’s me.” Once again his reply kindled the flame of curiosity in them. It is not usual that a person having so big achievements in past would keep his accomplishments to himself only. Naturally, the next question that followed was how come he never talked about it to anyone? In reply, Crawford said  “That was a long time ago and one day in my life,” Moschgat finally had his curiosity satiated, but what he did not know was it was not the end but the beginning of Crawford’s astounding story. Goes without saying that all the kids in the school couldn’t believe that a war hero has been amongst them all this time, saying they were all ecstatic would be the understatement of the century.

Declared MIA

janitor heroIt was due to Crawford’s spectacular courage that the enemy group beat a hasty retreat from the battle sight. They did not want to confront this man anymore as he single-handedly had devastated the three giant deep established posts. But unfortunately, before Allied advance could thank Crawford another tragedy struck the group! The spot where Crawford had been stationed and from where he made the opponents taste defeat, came under the control of opponents. Now, Crawford was in their captivity. There was no chance of survival for this valorous soldier as he had entered the killing list of his enemies since the time he bombarded their three prominent posts. He was declared MIA and eventually presumed dead by his fellow soldiers. This incident was the precursor of an unthinkable event that was going to take place in his life after many years.

President Steps In For The War Hero

janitor heroThe President ended his speech with a surprising note. He said, “Now, there’s something I want to do that means a lot to me and, I’m sure, will mean a lot to you.” Then the president went on to stress on the efforts made by Crawford in World War II. He asserted on Crawford’s service in Europe followed by his imprisonment.