Last Conversation

Richard requested to Tami to go inside and keep a watch on the barometer. Tami did as he said she wanted to help in any possible way, hence, she left him there. “Let me know the minute it starts rising,” Richard told Tami.  A few minutes later, one hit changed it all.

Winked At Her

The winds were as fast as 140knots and waves as high as 50 feet. It was a Category 4 hurricane. Richard took over the wheel. Tami went down by the stairs, turned to close the door and that’s when they looked at each other for the last time. Amidst all the stress, Richard winked at her and she smiled and closed the door. It was 1 pm and the barometer was showing below 28-inch mark. Tami heard the most terrifying sound of her life at this moment.

Last She Remembers

Amy recalled the last thing that she remembered about the fateful, “no sooner had I closed my eyes when all motion stopped. Something very wrong, it became too quiet – this trough too deep. ‘OHMIGOD!’ I heard Richard scream. My eyes popped open. WHOMP! I covered my head as I sailed into oblivion.” 


“When the wind’s howling that hard, it’s picking up spray right off the top of the water. There’s so much spray, you can hardly see anything. It’s like being in a blizzard,” told Tami. Both of them had never seen anything like this before. All they were wishing was for this night to pass soon.

Awake After Unconciousness

On October 13, 1983, Tami found herself in the midst of the ocean when she woke up from a long sleep, more than 24 hours of unconsciousness on a boat with no shore nearby in any direction. What was more shocking is the terrible condition of the boat which doesn’t seem like it would take Tami anywhere. She was still shocked as she had no clue about how she was in this situation.

Clueless Of The Reality

It was the morning, Tami couldn’t actually understand what she was even doing on a boat all alone by herself. The boat was 3 feet in the water. Most of the people tend to lose hopes but Tami wasn’t different and so was her next step. How long would she have to struggle to survive? Will she ever get out of this mighty sea? Or will she die in loneliness and never get back to her ordinary life? Even we didn’t have the answers to these questions yet.