A Pitbull

When Eric came close to the tree he was shocked and could not believe his eyes. He found himself face to face with a chubby pitbull. He never thought that he would stumble across a Pitbull in a park. “When I was walking up to the waterfall, across the bridge, I saw this really big, chubby pit bull tied to the tree,” said Eric in an interview.

All Alone?

As soon as Eric came across the pitbull the first thing that crossed his mind was ‘Where are his parents? Eric who was always passionate about helping dogs was terrified at the thought of the dog being alone in the park. Eric was not sure about what was going on and was doubtful about the surroundings.

A Serious Issue

Was this pitbull on his own? Where were his parents?

These were the thoughts that were running constantly in Eric’s mind. He was concerned about the pooch. He had always loved dogs and he did not want something bad to happen to this dog too.


Eric had no clue as to what he should do next. He was getting anxious about where were this dog’s parents. “I looked around and I called out to her, ‘Hey, where’s your owner?’” He was not sure what to do and called out to her and hoped that if someone was nearby, they would come out and take her with him.

Unsafe Place

One thing that Eric was sure about at this point was that there was no one near her, and the other thing he kept on his mind was that he could not leave this pooch alone in a place like that. He knew that this was no safe place for her to be alone.

Prospect Park

When Eric reached all the conclusions he thought that he had no other option and he started approaching the dog.“Prospect Park isn’t a good spot for a dog to be alone,” said Maus in the interview. Eric thought that the only option he had was to go near to that dog.