When a girl decided to keep a dog as her pet, she hadn’t imagined even in her wildest dreams the sight she witnessed. The incident proved to be memorable for the girl and her family. Surely, after reading this story you’ll get prepared to expect the strangest of the sights involving your pet dog.
A Brazilian family
This incident took place at Amanda Sena’s house. She lives in Brazil with her family and is fond of dogs from a very small age. Her family totally supported her decision of bringing a dog home, as her parents wanted their daughter to just be happy. As a matter of fact, they had also come to the realization of bringing a pet home.
A Daunting Task 
Well, Amanda was very happy after seeking affirmation from her parents. But, soon she realized that she hadn’t planned on the type of dog she wanted. Dogs are of various breeds, the reason why Amanda was left perplexed. So, which dog did she choose?
A Rottweiler
The type of dog Amanda settled on was a Rottweiler. The reason being that they are extremely obedient and are known for their devotion towards their owner. Yeah, Amanda needed to take care of the fact that their black or tan short hairs demand a lot of care. Obviously, Amanda being a dog lover was ready to take care of it all. Yeah, but their’s something unexpected that Amanda did…
Couldn’t Say No
After Amanda made the decision of taking a Rottweiler puppy back home, the dog lover in her came out and she couldn’t control herself from taking two instead of one. They both looked so cute to her that she was unable to say “no” to taking only one of them.
Meet Apolo And Angel
Amanda decided to name her adorable puppies Apolo and Angel. One thing that the family realized very quickly after the puppies had spent a month in the house that, though, they were very cute but were also equally smart and difficult to handle. You won’t believe what these puppies were capable of doing.
Partners In Crime
When asked about her dogs, Amanda said,“They help each other be naughty, when I think I’ve seen it all, they still manage to surprise me.” Amanda’s statement only solidifies by the fact that the puppies have even learned to open doors and one can just imagine how big a problem this can create. But, if this is mischievous for you then just read on to get shocked…